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If you'd like to share your review of the 'Big Toe Hole Preventer' or 'Heel Hole Preventer' patches please send it to

1 in 5 people suffer with the condition that  cause big toe holes - you are not alone

Customer Reviews

**Our favourite review** titled - "A sonnet of thanks" 

In realms where trainers tread with weary soles, And toes wage war within their fabric home, There stands a champion 'gainst these gaping holes, A patch of strength, where feet are wont to roam. Oh Trainer Armour, guardian of the shoe, Thy sticky grip, a shield of matchless might, Invisible yet stalwart, ever true, Preserving treasured trainers day and night. With thee, we dance on pavements without fear, And sprint through parks, our footwear unassailed. No longer must we shed a mournful tear For favourite shoes, whose lifespan was curtailed So let us praise these patches small yet strong, That keep our cherished trainers marching on. (With apologies to W.Shakespeare esq)

Thanks for a great product.

Clive S (7th Sep 24)

Our response to Clive for his kind and thoughtful review

In the world of strength and might, Where Trainer Armour shines so bright, Your words, Clive, a beacon true, Have lit the path for all to view. With kindness in each phrase you share, You’ve shown the world how much you care. For every cheer, for every praise, You’ve lifted spirits, brightened days. Your words of thanks, so warm and kind, Have left a lasting mark behind. In Trainer Armour, strong and bold, Your gratitude is pure gold. So here’s to you, dear Clive, today, For all the thoughtful things you say. With heartfelt thanks, we honor you, For making dreams and goals come true

I have bought two expensive pairs of trainers due to foot problems but noticed that the fabric on the top of the left foot on one pair was showing signs of becoming a hole so I ordered these. They are really easy to fit, stick very well and have prevented any further damage to the shoes. When I noticed the same thing beginning to happen on my second pair I ordered another pack. I think in future I'll fit these to trainers when new to prevent any damage. They are a little expensive but much cheaper than buying new trainers!!

R Harris (18th Jul 24)

I think this is my 4th or 5th order so I can give feedback before even putting them in… these things are incredible. 

Given the mileage I put my shoes through, they miraculously last with these on. I was always prone to toe holes and have previously used duct tape and dodgy sewing to stretch out extra miles in my shoes. That is (thankfully) firmly in the past. Running shoes should come standard with Trainer Armour patches. Well done on a phenomenal product! 

Simone W (3rd Jul 24)

Running shoes are expensive. And invariably during their life I would end up with signs of wear (possibly hole) around the big toe as the material is quite thin. This simple product solves all that. I buy a set for every new pair of running shoes I buy. The additional weight is minimal. They are really easy to apply with very simple instructions to follow and I can do it in less that 5 minutes

Geoff A (20th May 24)

Was a bit sceptical at first, but a day after applying the pads I was well impressed. Easy application and seems like they stick even more to the fabric after couple of uses.

Peter J (1st May24)

I wish I'd known these existed years ago! Great little fixer for the ever annoying problem of the toe hole in trainers. I get that trainer manufacturers include the net fabric for air circulation and freshness but I so wish they would think that a lot of people get the "toe hole" problem and can't always afford to buy a new pair each time. Thank you trainer armour, you fixed my problem! Recommended

Sarah W (15th Jan 24)

I have bought several of your trainer armour products. Always very pleased indeed. Arrived extremely quickly. (No need to buy from that big warehouse company!)

Paul C (3rd Nov 23)

These are a must have if your big toe creates holes in your shoes. Easy to put in and the work perfectly! I’m so happy with them.

Shannon F (27th Oct 23)

Amazing product, just bought more as I have now worn out the soles of my shoes instead of going through the heel, A first for me!!!
Absolute money saver as I now don’t need to replace my trail shoes every 3 months. 
Easy to use, also prevents me wearing through the heel of my socks plus the added bonus of no blisters!!!!
Just brilliant thank you

Sarah N (3rd Jun 23)

This is the second pair of toe hole preventers that I have purchased from you.  They are easy to apply and the previous ones I have used are still in place and have prevented the hole in my running shoe getting any worse. I was worried that you would be able to feel the patch but I don’t notice it at all. Very impressed with these hence my order for another pair for my husband’s shoes.

Val S (15th May 23)

Great service again, thank you.
After a lifetime of wearing through the top of my trainers and walking shoes I am now confident that won’t happen again.
I am also glad that I can support a local company

Gemma M (14th Apr 23)

I have recently purchased your latest product for heel holes – absolutely perfect, does exactly what I need them to do. I am fed up of paying £120+ for a pair of running trainers only to have to throw them away after approx 100 miles due to the material in the heel cup wearing through or to try and eek out an extra 100 miles through the use of blister patches or insulating tape. These are easy to apply and cut to size, stick well to the trainer, no slippage during running due to the slightly roughened face. The idea of using the backing material as wings to hold when applying so you don’t touch the adhesive is brilliant. I have done about 30 miles with them in the trainers since the purchase with no problems at all, you do not know they are in the shoe. I make sure that when I put the trainers on I have my finger over the patch as my foot goes into the show just to reduce the chance of displacement. I only wish you had come up with these about 4 years ago, it would have saved me a fortune. I have already recommended these to friends and will definitely get them again.

Andy C

Bought your product after chatting at the Running Show. Successfully patched a small hole in my trail shoes . Fantastic product , easy to fit and not noticeable on a run. Saved a much loved pair of shoes and will go in my next new pair. Recommended them on my Tri Club FB page

Chris B

"Best purchase I made. Forever getting holes in the toes of my trainers and had been looking for something like this. Easy to install too. Really recommend this product".

Paul B

"I recently purchased Trainer Armour's big toe hole preventer for my trainers.  It sounded such a great idea that I wondered why no-one had ever thought of it before!  The patches are really easy to apply inside the trainers and I can't feel them at all now they are in.  I am looking forward to keeping my trainers for longer than usual".

Linda V

"I'm using them and they are genuinely brilliant - so thin, you don't know they are there, but really strong!  Oh and super easy to fit!"

Dan K

If you're on the trainer amour website that means the dreaded big toe hole is imminent. Buy a set of trainer armour before its too late! My running trainers are now safe and I’m able to keep them longer than 6 months! I've bought 3 sets to keep as spares that’s how much I’m impressed about the product!

N Uddin

Thank you, super happy with these. Have put them in Allbirds, which are well known to be prone to this issue.

Melissa L

"One of the most useful new products to come to the market in recent years. For all those runners who put their toes through the top of their shoes this is what you've been waiting for. Unobtrusive, easy to apply and hard-wearing."

Humber Runner - Hessle

Got 2 sets for my lad's trainers, he pays in excess of £150 for his trainers and barely last 3 months because of 'toe holes'.

R Owens

Armour.. but for your trainers?!
We are obsessed with Trainer Armour. These are amazing, easy to apply and worth every penny

Running Bear - Alderley Edge

Having spent £200 on a pair of trainers to have a big toe movement hole ripped into them in 6 weeks I was pretty peeved. Came across this product after googling and tbh found they do prevent the toe from protruding through the fabric so far

Alan C

We are delighted to have Trainer Armour big toe hole preventer is stock now. Why let something that effects 1 in 5 of us ruin your nice new running shoes.

Run Unlimited - Prudhoe

Thanks for inventing this. I bought 1 pair from Amazon recently and was very impressed, so I have just bought two more directly from your web site. I shall be spreading the word to my friends and family.

Paul C

Excellent product, resolved issue with big toe creating a hole on top of trainers. This product solves this problem. Easy to use and very effective


With so many trainers now made with thin mesh uppers, this product is a must have for me. I’ve been sewing up big toe holes in my trainers for what seems like forever. This product solves the problem and means I can put away my needle and thread.

Simon M

As a fitness instructor I go through so many pairs of training shoes (and not cheap ones!!). These are amazing - I only wish I'd discovered them sooner.
Best time to use them is when your shoes are new! Prevention rather than cure.


I’ve more than had enough of toe holes appearing in my running shoes. I took up running seriously again two years ago after a hiatus of ten years and every single pair of shoes I’d forked out for started developing toe holes after no more than a couple of weeks.

Don’t believe what you read online in articles on running websites: it’s not your fault. It’s not exclusively to do with your running form. It’s not because you are heel dropping - 99% of the time it’s because this expensive shoes you’ve bought sacrifice durability for breathability, it’s that simple.

There’s a lot of differences we all have in that toe area, especially with movement (I for example can’t independently move my toes except for my big toe) and if you find yourself getting toe holes then don’t waste any more time - Get these!

I have previously attempted many homemade fixes, which have either not worked or worked well but didn’t last. These? I bought them on a whim - Stuck them in and they not only work but have stayed there in my pair of trail shoes which get very wet, very muddy and get a thorough rinsing back home.

So I’m very happy with these and they’ve saved a pair of trainers. I will be buying these for every pair I get form now on. Even if they fall off tomorrow, I would have still had weeks of protection.

A shame the extra cost on top of the cost of shoes feels this necessary but it is!

J.C. Neale

Woohoo! I've been looking for something like this for ages and I'm so happy that I've finally found it! I had no idea that this problem was so common but I have never been able to find a solution until now! These are fantastic, very easy to apply and more importantly they're so comfortable that I don't even realise they're in my trainers! If you suffer from this problem, don't hesitate to give these a go, I guarantee you will not regret it!

Dan H

My husband had already ruined a pair of mesh top trainers before discovering these! We bought a pack in an attempt to prevent his toe breaking through into his new trainers. They were easy to fit and have solved the problem. Great product, would definitely recommend.

Wendy B

Was so fed up with my toes going through my trainers, had no idea it was a thing! Just bought yet another pair of new trainers to see my toe breaking through so I googled and found these gems, they are excellent only wish I had known sooner

Miss Michie

These are genius! Trainer Armour Big Toe Hole Preventer Patches for those of you who have a sticky-up-big-toe which wears through the trainers, stick these inside your shoes to give your runners a longer life

Tobutt Sports

I was a bit sceptical about these but thought I'd give them a go.
Glad I did, they are really easy to install within the trainer with the applicator and they seem to be a really nice thickness and really strengthen up the toe box area.

Lee B

Most of the top running shoes (even premium) have thin mesh uppers designed with only breathability in mind. This doesn’t prevent wear and tear on the inside, especially in the toe area. A patch like this one is the remedy.
     (+) Very easy to apply with detailed steps
     (+) When fitted properly, you do not even feel it.
     (+) Low cost solution for expensive running shoes


These are amazing, I have a 16 year old who tip toe walks and put holes in his trainers within a month and I have to buy new pair. Having these on the inside stops the holes from forming and he doesn't feel them as they are so thin. Amazing product for anyone who has kids who tip toe and cause holes.

Mark T

I didn’t know this even existed but it has done a good job of repairing my trainers. My socks no longer poke through the holes. I will definitely buy again when I get new trainers before I even wear them. Easy to fit and you can’t feel it. Recommend.


I bought Trainer Armour to see if it works, they fitted and adhered well. They are comfortable and do what they are supposed to. I thought they were a tad expensive for what they are, but with hindsight they save lots of money and if they catch on, will save lots of mesh trainers and soft top shoes hanging around in a landfill for 150 years.
I'm really pleased with my purchase and will be ordering more.


One more very satisfied customer. I bought a pair in November last year, and I've just placed another order for two. I am from Spain and I am having them sent to a friend in Scotland because I can't place the order to Spain through your website. Great product!

Christina B

I just wanted to say thank goodness for this. I saw a post on Instagram from a runner I follow advertising this product. I was just complaining about having to throw out an expensive pair of trainers that has many miles left in them. But now they are saved


Received my order really quickly and I fitted the patches perfectly as per the instructions. I buy a particular type of trainer that I love & my right toe always ends up causing a hole so I’m really hoping that never happens again now I’ve found my toe armour.

Trina H

These are so good!

Rachel H

So far so good! Easy to put in and they seem to have stuck well.  I’ve tried with various patches and glue before but my home made ones haven’t lasted very well.  I have great hopes for these, thank you so much, there are some little things in life that can give so much pleasure!


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